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eFreeGuestbook News

5-5-2010 - Downtime
On Monday night, 5-3-2010 about 21:00 Central time (About 3AM GMT 5-4-2010) I logged into the server to perform some normal daily maintenance. I found the server to be displaying errors for even the most basic commands as well as any web page requested. The errors indicated to me that some of the basic operating system file had become corrupt. After talking to tech support at our Webhost I suspect the hard drive was in the early stages of failure. I had two options at this point, rebuild the server on the original hardware, or order new hardware for the rebuild. I chose to order new hardware for the server rebuild and our webhost provisioned the hardware and “delivered” it to me at about 18;00 Central time on 5-4-2010. I proceeded to setup the sites on the new server and move the data from the old server. With the huge amount of data we store this move took about 4 hours even at full network speed. At this point your guestbooks should be back-up and running with no errors!!

Data… We did lose a bit of data. We perform an automated backup of the database each morning about 4AM. We needed to use this backup to restore the database on the new server. Any entry made to your book, or new account created between 4AM 5-3-2010 and the time the server failed, sometime late evening on 5-3-2010 was lost.